Tzinit snapshot service

Snapshot details:

Network:       ghostnet
History mode:  full
GCS Asia:      gs://tf-snapshot-asia/ghostnet/full
GCS EU:        gs://tf-snapshot-eu/ghostnet/full
GCS US:        gs://tf-snapshot-us/ghostnet/full
Level:         8901717
Block hash:    BL7xjjzkiUVJhuxnFsheXXvpWWNKNg6jyP4TdF91WqEGAyeg1s2
SHA256:        8426e0fd388aee2a7554563363c571f76ab1ae9beab1df77dcb744a16c12c8e6
Creation Date: 2024-11-04T23:59:54Z
Snapshot vers: 8

Download the snapshot over HTTPS as follows:

wget -O snapshot_file

Download the snapshot over Google Cloud Storage as follows (for eu):

gcloud storage cp gs://tf-snapshot-eu/ghostnet/full snapshot_file

Import the snapshot with Octez:

octez-node snapshot import snapshot_file

If you are concerned about checking the block hash, use:

octez-node snapshot import snapshot_file --block BL7xjjzkiUVJhuxnFsheXXvpWWNKNg6jyP4TdF91WqEGAyeg1s2

Set up Bakebuddy from a snapshot:

tezbake bootstrap-node BL7xjjzkiUVJhuxnFsheXXvpWWNKNg6jyP4TdF91WqEGAyeg1s2